Each campus has a full-time school counselor.
The district has a comprehensive school counseling program that includes:
The district will make a preview of the program, including all materials and curriculum, available to parents to review during school hours.
The school counselor will provide information to students and parents about college and university admissions and the importance of planning for postsecondary education, including appropriate coursework and financial aid availability and requirements.
In either grade 7 or 8, each student will receive instruction on how best to prepare for high school, college, and a career.
High school students and their parents are encouraged to talk with a school counselor, teacher, or principal to learn more about course offerings, graduation requirements, and early graduation procedures.
Each year, high school students will be provided information on anticipated course offerings for the next school year, how to make the most of academic and career and technical education (CTE) opportunities, and the importance of postsecondary education.
The school counselor will also provide information each year a student is enrolled in high school regarding:
Additionally, the school counselor can provide information about workforce opportunities after graduation or technical and trade school opportunities, including opportunities to earn industry-recognized certificates and licenses.
The school counselor is available to assist students with a wide range of personal, social, and family concerns, including emotional or mental health issues and substance abuse. A student who wishes to meet with the school counselor should notify the campus office. As a parent, if you are concerned about your child’s mental or emotional health, please speak with the school counselor for a list of resources that may be of assistance.
If your child has experienced trauma, contact the school counselor for more information.