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Mental Health Support

The district has implemented programs to address the following mental health, behavioral health, and substance abuse concerns:

  • Mental health promotion and early intervention
  • Building skills to manage emotions, establish and maintain positive relationships, and engage in responsible decision-making
  • Substance abuse prevention and intervention
  • Suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention (interventions after a suicide in a community)
  • Grief, trauma, and trauma-informed care
  • Positive behavior interventions and supports
  • Positive youth development
  • Safe, supportive, and positive school climates

If a student has been hospitalized or placed in residential treatment for a mental health condition or substance abuse, the district has procedures to support the student’s return to school. Please contact the district’s mental health liaison for further information.

The district will not provide a mental health care service to a student or conduct a medical screening of a student as part of the district’s intervention procedures except as permitted by law.

The district has established procedures for recommending to a parent an intervention for a student with early warning signs of mental health concerns, substance abuse, or suicide risk. The district’s mental health liaison will notify the student’s parent within a reasonable amount of time after the liaison learns that a student has displayed early warning signs and provides information about available counseling options.

The district has also established procedures for staff to notify the mental health liaison regarding a student who may need intervention.
The mental health liaison can provide further information regarding these procedures as well as curriculum materials on identifying risk factors, accessing resources for treatment or support on and off campus, and accessing available student accommodations provided on campus.

For more information about mental health contact the appropriate campus counselor.

Physical and Mental Health Resources

Parents and students in need of assistance with physical and mental health concerns may contact the district nurse or campus counselor.

  • The local public health authority, Abilene-Taylor County Public Health Center, which may be contacted at (325) 692-5600. 
  • The local mental health authority, Betty Hardwick Center, which may be contacted at (325) 758-3344.