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Pre-K4 (at Baird)

Baird ISD is offering a full-day Pre-K program for 4 year old students at Baird Elementary

  • The program is FREE for children that are eligible. See below for eligibility requirements.

  • BISD will also offer tuition-based Pre-K4 for four year old students that don't meet the qualifications for district-supported Pre-K after ALL qualified students have been accounted for. 

    • The tuition fee will be $20 per day school is in session.  CALL 325-854-1400 EXT 309 to speak to the Elementary principal for more information. 

  • NOTE: Pre-Kindergarten is not a mandatory program. However, if your child qualifies and is enrolled, he/she is subject to compulsory attendance law. Your child must attend school each day school is in session.

    • To enroll, the student must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025, AND

      • meet at least one of the eligibilty requirements (for free Pre-K)

      • be able to pay tuition if eligibility requirements are not met. 

    • Immunization Requirements for Pre-K Four

  • In order to qualify for FREE Pre-K4 at Baird ISD, a student must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025, AND meet at least ONE of the following requirements:

    • Unable to speak and comprehend the English language
    • Income eligible based on current NSLP income eligibility guidelines
      • Use the Income Eligibility Calculator here.
      • Proof of Income:
        • Active SNAP or TANF Benefits Letter (EDG # required)
        • 12 most recent pay stubs for each job and for each person employed or 2023 Tax Return 
        • If self-employed: most recent tax form 1040
        • SSI, Social Security, Child Support, other
    • Homeless
    • Foster care (or have ever been in foster care)
    • Child of an active duty member of the US armed forces
    • Child of a member of the US armed forces who was injured or killed while serving on active duty
    • Child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as a peace officer, a firefighter, or an emergency medical first-responder

    If you have questions, please contact the Baird Administrative Office at 325-854-1400 Ext 311.

    1. Please complete the "Pre-K4 Enrollment/Eligibility Questionnaire" (even if you think you do not qualify) to determine if your child qualifies for Pre-Kindergarten based on the federal eligibility requirements. 
    2. DO NOT ENROLL using our ParentPortal Online Enrollment program at this time. 
    3. After the Pre-K4 Enrollment/Eligibility Questionnaire" is submitted, you will be contacted through the email address and/or the phone number you provide in the questionnaire with further instructions on enrolling your child at Baird ISD for Pre-K4.
  • Documentation REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW TO THE DISTRICT Pre-K, Elementary, and Secondary student registrations: 

    • Child’s Original Birth Certificate  

    • Current Proof of Residency (electric bill, water bill, or lease agreement) BISD will not accept cable, phone, gas, etc.

    • Immunization Records 

    • Child’s Original Social Security Card

    • Parent/Guardian valid/unexpired government issued photo id, such as passport, driver’s license or state ID.
