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Family & Community Newsletter - March 10, 2025

Posted Date: 3/10/25 (10:46 PM)

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The Bear Bulletin
Family & Community Newsletter
March 10, 2025
Upcoming Events
  • Mon, 3/10 to Fri, 3/14 - Spring Break

Mon, 3/10 - BHS Softball @ Roby

Sat, 3/15
  • BHS Track @ Breckenridge (optional)
  • BHS Softball @ Santa Anna
Mon, 3/17 - BJH Track @ Santo

Tues, 3/18
  • BHS Girls & Boys Golf @ Rising Star Tournament
  • BHS Softball vs. Ranger

Wed, 3/19 - BHS Varsity Tennis @ Santa Anna Dual

Thurs, 3/20
  • BHS Track @ Santo
  • Spring Sports Pictures
Fri, 3/21 - BHS Softball @ Hermleigh

Sat, 3/22
  • BHS Baseball vs. Jayton
  • BHS Softball v. Jayton DOUBLE HEADER

Mon, 3/24
  • BHS Girls Golf @ Robert Lee Tournament
  • BJH Track - District Meet @ Gordon

Tues, 3/25
  • BHS Boys Golf @ Robert Lee Tournament
  • HS District UIL (Speaking & Writing)
  • BHS Baseball

Wed, 3/26
  • Future Fiesta
Thurs, 3/27
  • BHS Track @ May
  • HS District UIL (all other events)
Fri, 3/28 - BHS Baseball vs. Hamlin

Athletic events are always subject to change.

Baird Cheer Bake Sale - 3/14
Baird Cheer will be having a bake sale next to Rolling Firewood Pizza on Friday, March 14th from 10:00 to 3:00 at the Baird depot.
TMCN Leadership Group Fundraiser - 3/22
Saturday, March 22 Baseball and Softball will be playing Jayton. Baseball plays at 11:00 am, and Softball at 1:00 and 3:00.

The TMCN Leadership group will be selling pulled pork sandwiches, chips, a drink and a cookie as a meal deal. Prices for the meal deal will be posted on Parent Square closer to the game.

We will also have snow cones, popcorn, drinks and candy in the concession stand.

Come out and cheer on the bears and enjoy lunch at the ball field.
List of 25-26 Cheerleaders
Abby Allday
Lyndsi Boyd
Raelyn Goodwin
Brooklynn Manasco
Maggie Price

Heidi Brannan
Jazmyn Garza
Mia Reynolds
Jimma Smith
Hadley Thackerson
Saegen Whitehead

Mascot- Paxton Johnson
flyer for Future Fiesta with sponsor/activity logos, FAFSA, MSU, TX Workforce SOlutions, McMurry, HSU, ASU, US Air Force, Oceans Healthcare, US Army, Cisco College, Texas Tech, Workforce Solutions, Hendrick Health, TSTC
BHS Future Fiesta
Mark Your Calendars!!! 

Baird High School Future Fiesta will be March 26th!

The Schedule for the evening will be:
5:00 - 7:00 Walking Tacos Served
5:00- 7:30 Booths Open for Students, Parents, and Community

5:00 - Devotional By First Baptist Church and FCA
5:30 - Breakout Session #1 - HS Graduation Plans
6:00 - Breakout Session #2- Dual Credit
6:00 - 7:00 - CTE Pathway Tours - (Culinary, Welding, Animal Science, AVT)
7:30 - Safe Travels Home
testing on a green sticky note with a magnifying glass
Upcoming Testing Dates
STAAR & STAAR End-of-Course (EOC)
  • Wed, 4/9 - ELAR (3rd - 8th grades)
  • Thurs, 4/10 - English I and English II EOC
  • Tues, 4/15 - Science (5th & 8th grades)
  • Wed, 4/16 - Social Studies (8th grade & US History EOC)
  • Wed, 4/23 - Math (3rd - 8th grades)
  • Thurs, 4/24 - Algebra I EOC

  • Testing Window: 3/3 - 4/18
  • Testing completed by 4/18.
Tech Tips for Families
Whether on the playground or online, kids can face unkind behavior. Do your best to get ahead of the hurt by talking with your children about how to deal with mean online actions and their consequences. Make sure they know what cyberbullying is, who to talk to if something makes them uncomfortable, and what to do if they see or experience cyberbullying.
Ring the Bell!
Celebrating Success
Philip Trammell Advances to State Again!
Philip Trammell performed two class 1 solos at the UIL Solo contest today and earned first divisions on both of them. He is advancing to the state contest on May 26-28th.

photo of Cathy Dyer
BISD Employee of the Month
Cathy Dyer was selected by the BISD School Board as the February Employee of the Month! Congratulations Ms. Dyer!
photo of 5 sweepstakes tropies on the stage
Band Earns Sweepstakes for the 5th Time
Congratulations to the Baird High School Band. They received ones from every judge at the contest this afternoon. This marks the fifth year in a row for the band to earn a Sweepstakes (1st Division in Marching, Concert, and Sightreading). We are extremely proud of the band kids for their hard work and success over the last eight weeks of practice on our concert program.
group of students standing in two rows with their teacher
One-Act Play Awards
Our One Act Play crew had their district performance on 3/4 at Tarleton State University in Stephenville. While they did not advance to the next round, our students put on a great performance of “The Yellow Wallpaper” and are coming home with several awards.

  • Best Overall Crew
  • Tristen Wooten - Crew Award
Honorable Mention All-Star Cast
  • Taelor Stephens
  • Kyera Byars
All-Star Cast
  • Westen Isenhower
Congratulations to our Thespians and to Mrs. Taylor for all their hard work and for representing Baird ISD with class!
photo of softball team with coach and managers
Lady Bears Softball
First game, first win! Lady Bears defeated the Trent Gorillas 23-9 in 5 innings! Congrats Ladies!