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Community Feedback Welcomed on Continued Construction of Ag Facility

Posted Date: 12/03/24 (7:13 PM)


Ag Barn Feedback Requested

We are excited to share an important update regarding the continued development of our vocational agriculture facility. As the final phase of this project, we are planning the construction of animal pens and a show barn. These additions will provide new opportunities for our students and community, including hosting stock shows and other events.

As we move forward, we are committed to ensuring this facility meets the needs of our students and reflects the values and aspirations of our community. To that end, we will hold public meetings in January and February to gather your input. These meetings will be an opportunity to share your thoughts, ask questions, and help shape the future of this facility. Details about the dates, times, and locations of these meetings will be shared through ParentSquare and posted on our district website.
In addition, we are building a contact list of individuals who are interested in being part of this process. If you would like to be added to this list, please contact Sara Price at 325-854-1400 x325 or via email at

Your feedback is invaluable, and we encourage all interested parents, guardians, and community members to participate. Thank you for your continued support of Baird ISD and our mission to provide exceptional educational opportunities for all students. We look forward to working together to make this project a success.